Intent Review: In Case of Emergency Cigarette

2 05 2012
I can’t really say I go along with this idea. As a non-smoker myself, though with friends who smoke, I can’t really see how this would cause someone to lose any of their stress. Your idea basically implies that these people would go to these boxes during very intense and stressful conditions (finals week), and then instead of getting the nicotine they crave, they’re going through what is presumably the far too often hassle of other people telling them what they should or should not be doing. I am not condoning cigarettes nor am I saying people should resort to them as a means of ‘escape’ from stress, I just feel are mature enough at this age to make the decision for themselves, and although I feel trying to help people quit is a good thing, I couldn’t imagine a worse time for that to happen then when you are most in need of your chemical fix, and are denied it.


Conceptual: 3


Perceptual: unrated

Technical: unrated



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