
2 05 2012

Originally, I feel like my audience was sort of lacking, being that Nick and my idea did not really have a lot too it. It was a simple video that we probably would have put on Facebook and receive karma in the form of ‘likes.’ Now, our project actually has a clearly defined audience, as the incoming students, and others who may not know where to skate on campus.

Did I Achieve My Goals?

2 05 2012

This is kind of a weird question to answer. I certainly feel that I achieved in creating a worthy project that could very well be applied in the real world, or at the least the University of Maine world. In spite of this Nick and I really created a video that was not really what either of us had expected. We went into this project thinking we would make a video and mostly try to accomplish cool visual effects with it. This would have been a fun project, but did not really fit the assignment. It really had no direction, other than being a video.

We tried to create a project that could actually be used in the world around us, something that could actually serve a purpose. That is when we had the idea of an interactive map, using the help of the website Prezi, that could show the local students where to skate on campus.

I feel like this new direction was a good change, and I’m happy to have learned to think of new ways in which to give my work a ‘purpose.’


25 04 2012

This is the final release of Nick Rollins and my  project: Skate UMaine. It evolved into an interactive map that shows skaters on campus some of the best spots to skate at. With each spot, viewers can click through to see videos and photos of other UMaine students skating at these spots, as well as a 1-5 star scale as to the likelihood of being kicked out of each spot by local security.

Yeah, Right! Invisible Skateboard Segment

29 03 2012


27 03 2012

We will be working with HD video cameras, some involving different lenses for added effect such as fish eye lenses. From there we will work with Final Cut on editing the video together, as well as After Effects for some special effects, and whatever other programs we may need in order to create the video we would like to create.


27 03 2012

We have been talking about and watching different skate videos in order to come up with creative editting techniques and special effects to use in our video. One video in which we were both very interested in is the edit in Girl’s video “Yeah Right!” In which there is a segment with “invisible skateboards,” presumably through the use of green screens or a similar technology. This is something we both think would be very cool to figure out and would like to try to work with.


27 03 2012

I will be working with Nick Rollins on shooting and editing the footage, and will also be skating with a small group of Nick’s regular skating friends in order to get new footage.


27 03 2012

Like I said, this will end up being a video edit of skateboarding. We already have access to a lot of footage, and plan to continue getting more. From there, we are going to try to amp up our video by adding effects that will make it our own. We have researched innovative ideas by both of us simply having an avid history of skateboarding films. We have talked about creative ideas that we both like from videos we’ve seen and tried to build off of that to see what we think we could do to make our video unique.

Final Project Content

27 03 2012

My final project for 206 is going to be a skateboarding edit between myself and Nick Rollins. I have not been an avid skateboarder for a number of years, but it has always been a part of my life, as well as Nick still being a frequent skater with many of his friends. On top of my history of being a dedicated skater, I have always been an enthusiast of any action sport, and being a film enthusiast, working for an action sports production company, most likely preferably skiing as it is my favorite sport, but I can not get past my deep nostalgic love for skateboarding, and I am excited to see what I can do with this.