Hactivism: Chalk Protest

2 05 2012

I was thinking of an idea of writing in large letters “What is wrong with this University?” in chalk in front of the Union, and then leaving a large box of chalk, allowing for people to vent and complain about any problems they have with the University. It would in no way be permanent, yet, if taken seriously, could open up much of the administration’s eyes to what students are unhappy about.

Autobotography: Photo A Day

2 05 2012

My idea is to create a virtual blog, by taking one, well-thought out and produced photograph for every day of a year, and then publish these, day-by-day, to a blog, to my Facebook, portfolio website, any way I feel would properly distribute the material, for a year. This would be a very interesting way to journal my adventures over the full year.

Autobotography Intent: UMaine Speaks

2 05 2012

My first idea would simply be a campus wide Podcast I could put out that gets the students’ voices heard, and made more public. Each week I could choose a certain topic I felt was pertinent with people our age, be it on a global, national, or just campus-wide issue. From there, I would interview students willing to take part that I found walking around campus, and get their voices heard. It would be a non-biased show, simply only looking to publicize the opinions of the University of Maine students, who probably often go unheard.
The second portion of my idea would be advertisement, figuring out how to get these words further out in the public. I would alert the Campus paper and local news media about it and try to get a growing fan-base from there.

Hactivism Intent: Why I Smoke

2 05 2012

As a non-smoker, myself, I personally find the relatively new zero tolerance tobacco rule on campus is rather absurd. Despite I personally vow to never touch cigarettes, I respect that people do, and have never been bothered by someone smoking more than six feet away from me. That’s why I was thinking of having a large sign in front of the library reading “WHY I SMOKE,” and people can write on it why they enjoy smoking. Despite smoking being harmful to health, I feel in an outdoors area, it is very easy to avoid any second-hand smoke, and this sign may show the freedoms we are taking from people for, presumably, no good reason.

Intent Review: In Case of Emergency Cigarette

2 05 2012
I can’t really say I go along with this idea. As a non-smoker myself, though with friends who smoke, I can’t really see how this would cause someone to lose any of their stress. Your idea basically implies that these people would go to these boxes during very intense and stressful conditions (finals week), and then instead of getting the nicotine they crave, they’re going through what is presumably the far too often hassle of other people telling them what they should or should not be doing. I am not condoning cigarettes nor am I saying people should resort to them as a means of ‘escape’ from stress, I just feel are mature enough at this age to make the decision for themselves, and although I feel trying to help people quit is a good thing, I couldn’t imagine a worse time for that to happen then when you are most in need of your chemical fix, and are denied it.


Conceptual: 3


Perceptual: unrated

Technical: unrated

Intent Review: 8 Bit Game Timeline

2 05 2012
This could be a cool piece to have for yourself, and I could see it working well. I am, however, having trouble trying to visualize exactly how it would end up looking.


Conceptual: 5


Perceptual: unrated

Technical: unrated